Kings Speech
Doug and I saw the Kings Speech on Monday. It was seriously incredible. King George VI of England was an interesting character in his time. Although only kind for about 6 years, he certainly stepped up to the plate when he was needed. Not even expected to take the throne, he came to the rescue when his brother decided against this role (given his desire to marry a, from what the film portrayed, totally unattractive twice married socialite). I don't really understand why anyone would give up that power for a twice divorced woman like Wallis Simpson, but what grounds do I have to judge. I looked up her photograph and she did look more attractive than in the movie, after all. I guess I would really think hard before giving up the privilege to have a strong political role in my country for a relationship. I'm honestly not sure what I would do in that situation. I loved this film. It was powerful and moving, yet quirky and hysterical. Well written, well acted, and brilliantly cast. Above is the photo of George VI. I can't even think about stammering because he's so good looking (not different from Colin Firth!). I love stories about the underdog! It makes me think of being 4 foot 8 in high school and actually having friends, haha, sad.....
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