We are certainly loving the cake tastings for our wedding. Yesterday, Doug and I ventured to Sweet Mandy B's for our second (and final) tasting. As expected, we came to the conclusion that Sweet Mandy B's has not only the brightest color furniture and wall paint colors, but also has the best physical CAKE in the city of Chicago. True story. It was moist (I hate that word, I know it's sick, but it was true), yet light, and fluffy. DELISH!
We ended up purchasing our cake. Sorry Bittersweet! We're going another direction. We purchased a 3 tier ALMOND cake with VANILLA buttercream frosting. Yum. On the side, we are going to have yellow cake sheet cake with vanilla buttercream frosting as well.
I was doing hip hop dance moves when we got home, followed by jumping jacks and leg twitches due to sugar overload. Doug and I were hyper and had a great time together at the tasting. Above is the photo that I tinted to save your eyes from being blinded by the purple pastel walls at the bakery. I'll share more about the cake designs I'm looking for after I find them all. They are going to be simple, elegant, classic, and all white! Man do I love cake. If I don't get any at the wedding I'll be disappointed big time.
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